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I am at lewdness level 2 but nothing changed at all only shows lvl 1 interractions


After an hour I still can't any new interractions even I can't level up to "3". I restarted the game 2 times + 5 times reached level 2 and still not getting any new scenes, even I beated the game (beated Guardian) and yet still doesnt work at all.


That’s the limit for the free version, I suppose

Deleted 187 days ago

yea it was my bad


It's just my opinion but I think that a scene of not paying rent could be good and that every time you are touched when selling apples the interactions are "stronger" apart from the fact that the more time passes the bandits have a more sexual preference than fighting

(1 edit)

execute me where is Haunted Mansion

Problems with the casino, don't change clothes

Is the game animated?


Only a few scenes are partially animated.


Dev, why not put the game that is the current version in here too? but put a paywall on it just like others? PLEASE I Can't access patreon ToT


Because he needs to have something as the income. If everyone gets the same version, why would people spend their money?


but it'd just be the same? for example the 0.10 could be here but u will have to pay for 5 dollars just like in patreon


I don’t know but I heard complaints about itch’s purchase


On Mac i get this error when attempting to open it.

The application “Game” can’t be opened.

(2 edits) (-1)

It works if I use "the unarchiver" to extract the zip instead of the default.

though, it's not possible to save.

(2 edits)

a glitch with 0.9.2, if you use the recollection room for the casino scene, you stay in the bunny outfit outside of the recollection, and if you use the casino recollection again, you can't actually go through it, it's locked in the "Completed" state and didn't reset from the previous recollection, so you can't interact with the key NPCs but you also can't leave, so you're just stuck there. (if you can't replicate this it might be because I'm using a save from 0.8.3)

im confused how do you save the game

The sewer is damn hard. And I don’t know what to do inside it

The mac version of the game is not openable

(1 edit) (-1)

It said the corrupted system ends in 3, but I can only get her to 1 and then maxed out the exp (150). After that nothing happen. I don’t see any scene when she sleep


same problem here, dev please answer


It’s possible that this is only for those who go to patreon, I think


For builds 0.7 and 0.8, levels 2 and 3 have not yet been implemented. There are still a few scenes for level 1 that need to be added; once I'm done with those, I'll start moving to the scenes for level 2. Including the level-up scene.

(1 edit)

Uh I can’t say I didn’t expect that


You are creating an amazing game! Thank you for your work. One day I want and will throw some money at you. 🧡


Thank you! I'm glad you are enjoying the game :)

can you please make android version for this game?

(2 edits)

Is there any events with/is it possible to find that perverted kidnapped woman that you save at the  very beginning?
She says she's at the house in south east of the district and the house is the only one with red roof but I can't find any house that I could enter where she'd reside at lol

Will there be bestiality pregnancy?

No. Erotic encounters will only be with humans.


I am so fucking excited about the brothel


There is still more to develop before we can do the brothel scenes, but I promise they will be spicy.



(2 edits) (+1)

what  is the padlock code in the red hornet hideout? I have tried all the possible combination of the cloths but none worked

having the same issue

There are some cloths of red, green, blue in the first room as well, count those as well. (Maybe it was 434)


Good job, ii like the games with corruption mechanics and the MC is cute too. 🫡

Like the game , but have two question the first is what windows pc/laptop is recommended 7,8, or 10 and the second one is there plan for an Android port or an Joiplay plugin.

(1 edit)

You could technically play it on Joiplay with RPGM plugin as this game is made using RPGM after all. (Source: I played it on Joiplay before)

Hi cosbyize, I think the game is not demanding re the operating system. Right working on a  much improved new version, with sound, better graphics, enhanced story, etc. Hope to get that out within a few days. I'll look into Android. Thanks for your support!

(1 edit) (+1)

can you perhaps give me a hint on how to find the thief? after getting the fragment of that slime boss i tried to find the thief at sapphire mug territory but i couldnt find him. (i went down and then left from the district)

also i love the progress of the game. good job

The wine thief confrontation is not part of alpha build 0.5, it is available on build 0.6 which is currently only available to Patreon memebers. You will have to wait until next month for it to be available here.

aight thx

(1 edit)

really cool! love seeing progress, although may I ask; 

how "finished" is the game if we talk about percentage? Is this only the beginning?! :O


Oh no, this is not the beginning. My aim with this game has always been a duration of at least 4 hours. If it ends with more play time, then that’s good, but it won't be a 10-hour game. 

To answer your question. 

Using build 6 (which is currently only available for members of Patreon but is the build with the latest content). The main story is around 40% done, and the erotic scenes are around 30%. 

I’m still debating whether I should add some of the scenes that were suggested by a few players, but if we stick to the plan, these are the percentages.


Looks great so far, the heroine is very cute and i lover her attitude, I can't wait to corrupt her.

Though I was wondering, is the game going to be heavily scripted?
I played violated princess recently and i found it really annoying how some events would only be accessible at certain levels of progression in the story, with many branching paths each with different scenes, it made hunting for scenes really annoying and I really hope we don't end up with something similar here.


I’m glad you liked the game 😊

You don’t have to worry about that. Progressing the main story will not lock you out of scenes. Once you have access to a scene, it will stay that way until the very end of the game.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Great game so far, i really enjoyed it.
- If i've read correctly the sewers and what comes after you've talked with the commander of the Red Hornets isn't available yet, right?
- I don't know if it's a bug for me or if it just isn't in the game yet but no matter how much happens my Lewdness lvl won't go up (exp is 67/50), is that right?

Hi. I'm glad you liked what the game has to offer at the moment.
- Yes, the sewers and wine tasks are still in development. Hence, they are not available yet.
- It's not a bug. The lewdness level will not increase because no scenes have been added for the next level yet. You will be able to increase your lewdness level in the future.

When ever i load up to the instuctions after hitting start new game , soon after it crashes... if it helps im using  ichio app and on mac.

I need help regarding this thing... I installed the game using the Itch io desktop app, which might be the reason why it keeps popping up

"failed to load: audio/bgm/dungeon03_%E5%A1%94(Tower).ogg"

it seems to only show up in the red hornet base and the twins


Thanks for the report. I believe I found the cause of the issue for both cases, and I have made changes to the audio files to fix this. This fix will be included in the next game's build scheduled for release on Friday next week.

Good game. I found an good strat for anyone struggling in combat or to mantain mana. just take the damage reflection passive focus on unlocking yellow seals and just guard enemy will slowly kill themselves while you take 1 dmg a turn 

probably gets nerfed down the line now, but whatever (3.6.0) 


Will there be bondage content in the future?

(3 edits)

Hello, I really tried to play this game and the start runs like normal. However, whenever i get into certain areas that being the two brother artists, the old man mini game where you move the box, and or the cut scene at the bar after saving the apple guy there is this pop up error saying that it cant load an audio file please try again. When i click retry it goes away for seconds only to reappear once again. This in turn pauses the game constantly which in turn makes the game unplayable. Only ways to fix it is to delete the game and reinstall it or skip the area that does it. This rarely works but then another area can or will start doing it. This wouldn't be that bad if this problem only did it at side quest but it can happen anywhere and it soft locks the game.  I have tried many different ways to fix this but nothing works at all which is why i am writing to you. If you know how to fix this issue then let me know.


Thank you for reporting this problem.

This is the first time I have heard of such an issue, so I'll need to investigate it before providing a solution. Let me ask you some questions so I can start investigating:

- You said the game sometimes fixes when you reinstall it. Did you unzip the game in your main drive as admin? 

- Can you provide the names of the files shown as missing in the error?

I found the file that is causing that problem. I have modified it, so it should work correctly now. I'll upload patch 0.3.5, which has this problem fixed in a moment. :)

Thank you! I'll go check it out and let you know if the issue has been resolved. If i run into it again i will send screen shots and or write out the file names so you can investigate the issue further.

i am on version 0.3.6 i am having the same issue. I did however download the game trough the application . the file is called audio/bmg/dungeon03%E5%A1%94(tower).ogg. This is however not the only file that i have seen not work. the first one was during the first dinner with the central watch the second time was in the red hornets HQ. 

Hi, i have a problem with the apple dealer. When i do him the feet favor, the message appears saying i got 12 apples, but when i check my inventory there are none. This started happening after i interacted with the vendor, and sold him one apple for 25 gold. I did it the first time i spoke with him, while he was showing me the potions prices. I tried restarting the game from the beginning, but it seems the problem is still there: in the new save i can only get one apple. The build is the most recent, 0.3.3


Thank you for reporting the issue. 

You only receive the item apples once, and then we check for this item when buying/earning more apples or when offering them. That is how it works.

The problem is that you shouldn't see the apples or any other items besides potions when selling to the potion vendor. I'll check the code to fix this issue in the sell window.

I'm sure the game is nice but I couldn't tell you as I got trapped in the first bandit house because I used up mana earlier and the game doesn't tell you that you can't leave the bandit house until you beat it. Which I can't because none of the bandits drop mana potions and I can't kill the boss before running out which leads to a game over. I'm stuck and I didn't know I would need to save before going in because the game never told me.

Thank you for pointing out this situation! The possibility of spending all mana before facing the first dungeon never crossed my mind. 

I'll make some changes to the magic seal in the bar's bedroom to prevent this from happening.

(3 edits)

Just tried it out and it is very good, extremely professional, i almost thought it was a kagura game from how professional it was, the only issue i have with the current game 0.2.1 is that despite having directions of where to go we don't actually know if we are in the right place, although the map isn't that big so it might not be a problem, but consider adding a map in case you make the game bigger. You can climb on top of the building bellow the elf's house if you just go straight down the door, just to notify, great game and good luck.

Game version 0.1.2 is very good, I just hope the game has more new content to explore in the future (100 points to the game team) I really like the idea of this game

Issue: Saved files got deleted after closed the game and have to restart everytime i open the game

(1 edit)


Thank you for the report, and I apologize for not being able to respond earlier.

What is your OS(Windows, Linux or Mac)? Do you receive an alert from the game when you save? Are you able to load the game file immediately after you save? Do you run the game as administrator?

Yes, able to load the game file immediately after i saved. Tried both normal and administrator but still not working

Hmm. That’s very odd.

Try extracting the game folder into the program files folder in your C: drive and execute the game there. Also, when you save the game, test if you have the same issue if you soft restart the game with the F5 key. 

this looks promising but i have just 3 issues. the game itself seems to have potential but i sometimes get stuck by a black screen everytime i finish the main quest. mana also sometimes vanish right after i gathered it into the cube tho i might also have not yet understood that concept. money doesnt vanish after use (sleeping and loosing the clown minigame) and just to clarify how many scenes are there? bc i think some scenes that should have been activated just didnt and thats why im asking. But i for sure like the idea behind the game. hope to see more in the future

Hello. Thank you for playing, and I’m glad you liked the game.

The current build only has 2 H-Scenes. If you mean quest scenes, there are 6 scenes after you arrive at the prison district. Version 0.1.0. was having issues with triggers for a scene in the Bar, but that should be fixed on patch 0.1.1.

Every time you collect mana, it goes first into the cube. If Eilayda is not at Max Mana, and the cube has mana stored, she will retrieve mana from the cube until her mana is full. This process is done automatically after every event in which you earn mana or after every fight. I hope this explanation helps clarify the way mana use works.

I checked and fixed the problem with the clown not costing gold. Thank you! 😊 I couldn't see the problem with the bed not costing gold, though. Do you have more details of the scene where the bed charges you the gold?

For how long are you stuck in a black screen? Does it occur in all the main quests? Does it happen during free exploration as well? I’ll try to find the cause, but if you could help me answer these questions, I can understand the problem better.

thx for explaining it. first about the bed situation. After i saved that kidnapped lady in the house full of these bandits i started farming to increase my strenght for some days. i somehow managed to stay in the inn for the first 2 days even though i didnt have the money. i just did miniquest till after night and woke up in the inn.  after gathering the money i finally was able to use the bed but didnt get charged. now about the black screen. after walking through that allay first i had to go back to it. i went there next day and the protag basically said something like going there next day. and the next thing i saw was a black screen slowly fading in but it just coulndt vanish. i was able to open the menu and save but reloading also didnt help.

Thank you for the details.

Are you running the latest version of the game: Ethereal Sunder(0.1.2)?

After you rescue the lady, you must go back to the bar, talk with Sebastian, exit the bar. Outside the bar, you can do a minigame with a clown, playing the minigame moves the day cycle to night. After that, you shouldn’t be allowed to play the clown minigame again and must finish the next main quest event in Bereck’s house (the green-haired guy you rescued) to complete the first day.

If you can keep playing the clown minigame during the first night and finish the first day without visiting Bereck, then you are most likely playing the build Ethereal Sunder(0.1). This version had this problem. To fix it, you must download the latest version. Also, the latest version should also fix the problem with the bed not costing gold. 

Does anyone know how to access the eastern district?


The eastern section of the district is not part of the current content. It will be added in the next minor version update.

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